The Unseen Body

Publishing Project

Project Summary

The Unseen Body is an in depth hybrid design project that incorporated layout, illustration, animation and other aspects of publishing into one assignment. The goal was to make a handmade book with 3 AR experiences and at least 5 physically interactive elements.

The book is heavily inspired by esoteric anatomy and ancient knowledge of the body. One of my biggest challenges in making the book was deciding how to mix research with my own influence whilst keeping the essence of the source material true.

Take a Look at the Full Book

AR Experiences

For this project, three AR (augmented reality) experiences or more were required in the finished piece. On the left is how the viewer sees the spread in person, and the video beside it is how the AR experience looks through your phone. (If you scan the image with Artivive, you’ll be able to see it as well.) I wanted these animations to be fun and simple, but still fit with the tone of the book.


'Awake' Album Redesign